The CAT Burglar is on the prowl and every car is susceptible

The last thing I'm thinking about in the morning when I get into my car and head out to work is my catalytic converter (CAT for short). Where am I stopping to get my coffee? Yeah. Will I have time to get gas and still make my 9 am meeting? Sure. An ear-numbing rumbling coming from my car early in the morning? WTF. No coffee needed.

If you find yourself in this scenario you likely got “got” by a CAT burglar. CAT burglaries are skyrocketing in the United States, take less than 2 minutes to steal, and require only a saw or a wrench. A thief in the night crawled under your vehicle and sawed-off your catalytic converter. If you're a Philly area resident, West Philly is being hit hard with stolen CATs. So much so we’ve given the menace a nickname here at Girls Auto Clinic - The West Philly CAT Burglar. We had 12 customers with stolen cats in one month. Yikes!

Why are catalytic converters being stolen?

The reason this is a big deal is that catalytic converters are a very expensive part required on every gas-powered vehicle. The CAT burglars are cutting them out and selling CATs to scrap metal facilities for cash.Catalytic Converters are expensive because they are made with precious metals that are 15 times more valuable than goldand mined from around the world. These precious metals have a great ability to remove toxins from engine exhaust (vehicle emissions) that will be sent into the atmosphere. 

Why do I need a catalytic converter?

The catalytic converter is a part required on every gas-powered vehicle. It belongs to the exhaust system and is located underneath your vehicle after the engine and before the muffler. You never see it but it is the most important part of the vehicle to lowering your emissions. If you’ve purchased theGirls Auto Clinic Glove Box Guide you already know how CATs and the exhaust system work (page 104).When your vehicle is running and the engine is burning raw gas or fuel, the fumes from the burned fuel are passed through the exhaust system and out the tailpipe to the atmosphere. At times, the engine doesn’t burn all the raw fuel inside of it. The engine will send a mixture of burned fuel fumes and unburned fuel to the exhaust system which will be directed out the tailpipe into the atmosphere. Unburned fuel is toxic to the environment. No Bueno. A feature, the Catalytic Converter, was added to the exhaust system to take any unburned fuel and convert it to non-toxic fumes that can be then directed out the tailpipe into the atmosphere. Mejor. Catalytic Converters will fail from use over time causing your check engine symbol (also called Malfunction Indicator Light or MIL) to light up on your dashboard. P0420 is the catalytic converter failure “check engine” code.

How much does it cost to get a CAT replaced if it is stolen?

Are you sitting down? Expect to pay no less than $2000 to replace a stolen catalytic converter. You can pay as much as $3000. Often when a CAT is sawed off, any oxygen sensors located near the cat are ripped out and taken with it. You’ll likely need a new catalytic converter and 1-2 oxygen sensors.

  • Oxygen Sensors cost $150-$250 apiece depending on your vehicle.

  • Catalytic Converters cost $850 and up depending on your vehicle.

  • Labor to install these parts can cost anywhere from $250-$500 or more depending on your vehicle.

  • Sometimes there will be additional damage to the exhaust and other parts may need to be repair or replaced depending on your vehicle.

There’s some good news here; your insurance company will likely pay for this repair IF you have collision and liability and after you pay your deductible. There’s also bad news.  Besides being time-consuming (could take 2-4 weeks for repair) and irritating to deal with a stolen CAT, replacing one doesn’t ensure your new CAT won’t be stolen again.

How do I prevent my CAT from getting stolen?

  1. Park your vehicle in an enclosed, locked garage.

  2. If street parking is your only option, park in a well light area.

  3. Install a vehicle alarm that is sensitive to vibration and will go off if the vehicle is being shaken too much.

  4. Install a Catalytic Converter Clamp at Girls Auto Clinic

Girls Auto Clinic has found a solution for you and your vehicle from being a victim of CAT theft. We install a clamp around your catalytic converter that is attached to the frame of the vehicle up to seven times using tough to cut aircraft-grade wire rope. This clamp installation is 99.9% effective in preventing CAT burglaries

Is my vehicle susceptible to a CAT thief?

All gas vehicle has a CAT so all vehicles are can be targets. The vehicles most susceptible to CAT thefts are SUVs, pick up trucks and vehicles that are higher up in the air. Vehicles that sit up higher are easier to get underneath and saw out the catalytic converter. The Toyota Prius doesn't sit up high like SUVs but is getting hit hard for CAT theft because of the price of the Prius CAT and the ease of the removal.The most common vehicles at Girls Auto Clinic for stolen CATs are the Toyota Prius, the Toyota Highlander, the Honda Element, and the Honda CRV. 

How much does it cost for a Catalytic Converter Clamp Installation?

This device costs around $175 and takes about 2-3 hours to install depending on your vehicle. Total costs for this preventive theft installation is $675.

Should I get the Catalytic Converter Clamp Installation? Is it worth the $675 price?

If you drive an SUV, Pick Up Truck, or a Toyota Prius, absolutely! Let's break down the cost of the catalytic clamp installation versus the cost of replacing a stolen CAT.If you have full coverage auto insurance and you pay for the stolen CAT repair through your insurance you'll pay your deductible. Most drivers deductible insurance is $500. Your insurance company will not pay for a stolen CAT repair IF you have collision insurance only. 





$500 (deductible) + $550 (clamp to protect new cat just replaced from being stolen)



$500 (deductible) + $550 (clamp to protect new cat just replaced from being stolen)+ remaining balance


$2,000 - $3,000

Another added cost to think about is the cost to tow your vehicle to a repair center. When running, the vehicle will sound ear-numbingly loud without a catalytic converter. You won't want to drive it like that for more than a 1/4 mile.Once your replace a stolen catalytic converter with a new one this is no guarantee you won't get hit again by the CAT burglar. You should protect the new cat with a clamp to prevent any further thief. Why not get the catalytic clamp installation NOW for $550 since you'll need it LATER for $1050+?Another important factor to think about with a stolen CAT is time. It could take 1-2 weeks to get an approval from your auto insurance carrier to do the repair work. If you are not able to pay upfront and then be reimbursed later, it could take 1-3 weeks to get your vehicle back. Some insurances companies have taken up to 4 weeks to approve a stolen CAT repair.

Benefits of having a Catalytic Clamp installation at Girls Auto Clinic.

  • Save $500 - $2500 on the price a stolen CAT repair, vehicle tow, and installation of clamp over new CAT.

  • Save time and energy from the stress of dealing with insurance companies, waiting for approvals, and being without your vehicle for 2-4 weeks.

  • Save money on insurance. Every claim on your auto insurance could increase the price of your insurance plan.

Schedule an appointment to install a Catalytic Converter Clamp on your vehicle today! Call or text 484-461-4693.


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