High School Club for young women get their hands dirty at Girls Auto Clinic
For Women’s History Month, a group of super rad ladies visited Girls Auto Clinic to learn the importance of self-investment!
The Delcastle Leading Ladies Empowerment Group at Delcaste Technical High School in Wilmington, Delaware, a club focused on empowering young women to pursue their goals, visited Girls Auto Clinic Thursday, March 16, 2023. It was an excellent opportunity for women students in auto-tech and auto-body to observe women leading and working within the industry.
The club advisor, Mrs. Lynnette Hollis, who arranged the field trip, wanted the Leading Ladies to see a woman who had the courage to become a trendsetter for women who dream of working in male-dominated careers and technical areas.
Students got a tour of the repair center and our famous Clutch Salon. They also heard from Patrice Banks about her journey from auto airhead to shecanic and the importance of having women in the automotive industry. Mariel Young, Girls Auto Clinic Shop Assistant Manager, also shared her story as a young woman attending technical school and how she navigated a career from healthcare to mechanic to Girls Auto Clinic.
Mariel Young, Girls Auto Clinic Shop Assistant Manager
The Leading Ladies didn’t leave without getting their hands dirty, of course! Patrice led them through an oil change and an under-the-hood inspection on a vehicle. The ladies got the chance to use some tools, take off a tire, and learn about the importance of car maintenance!
Leading Lady Lamiah Wallace '25, shared her experience, saying, "For me, it was nice to see women actually working in the auto body industry because you hear about it all the time and you hear about how good they are but to see them actually running an auto shop and for [Patrice] to be the boss was more uplifting than anything."
Wallace also commented on the ambiance of the shop, saying, "I think just going on the field trip and seeing the outside of the auto shop compared to the inside was just very different, it felt very homey there, and it was very comforting to be there, and I felt safe."
Thank you to Mrs. Lynnette Hollis for organizing the event. Patrice and the entire gang at Girls Auto Clinic had so much fun engaging with the Leading Ladies of Delcastle. Check out the pictures!
To read more about the Del Castle Leading Ladies field trip, check out, Leading Ladies Learn Importance of Self-Investment in Trip to Girls Auto Clinic