To all my ladies who have been taken advantage of by a mechanic, felt powerless when their car broke down or needed to rely on a father, brother or male friend when they took their vehicle to a mechanic for service…
You are not alone.
I know exactly how you feel! I was tired of having no control over my car. I want to create a community of car savvy women. My goal is to empower you and make you feel good about your car!
Join the shecanics!

Who is a shecanic?
You don’t need to be a mechanic to be a shecanic.
A woman of any age who has mastered the mechanics of “yes I can” and uses her knowledge to get to “yes I did.”
She is smart about her car and understands her vehicle as well as men's.
She is empowered through awareness, education, and support.
She changed the relationship she had with her vehicle.
She no longer fears the auto repair shop or the auto technician.
She inspires other women to do the same.
Shecanic Community on Facebook
A Facebook group for Women Drivers and Women Mechanics!
Are you interested in becoming an auto tech, check out what we are doing to help women join the automotive industry.
A safe, judgment-free space to ask any of your car-related questions, and have them answered by mechanics.
A supportive place to talk freely about your car-related struggles and triumphs.
An inclusive space to connect with other women determined to gain empowerment and feel good about their cars.
*The Shecanic Facebook group is intended to be a resource for women drivers. In order to keep a space to openly talk about car questions, triumphs, and woes, this group is open only to women or those who identify as a woman.

I was once that woman who didn’t know who to take my car to for repairs and service or which mechanic(s) I could trust. My knowledge of cars was turn the key and go. Although I’m a beast at parallel parking (thank you city of Philadelphia), I could barely open the hood of the car.
I felt taken advantage of plenty of times by repair shops regardless of size and name. My response to most statements of, “You need this for your car,” was either a shrug followed by an “ok” or a “nope, not doing it.” It really just depended on my mood that day. If a technician or service writer tried to explain to me why I needed the repair and what it meant for my car, I usually started blocking out what they said after the first 10 seconds as, “I don’t understand this. I’m not going to get it anyway.” I didn’t have a trusted mechanic until I was 28 and even then I shopped around for no logically reason. I just thought they were too expensive.
Everything I just wrote above made me an prime example of a woman who was taken advantage of, did minimal service to her car, waited til the last minute to do repairs, and feared the auto repair shop. I decided to take control of the situation. I needed education and so do millions of women and men out there. I went back to school at night for automotive technology and started working as a female mechanic at a garage to learn about cars so I could share this with others, particularly my sisters! Who better to explain and teach you than a former auto airhead® turned auto tech?
A mechanic that talks like you and thinks like you! Finally!
It is relatable, practical and fun! Girls Auto Clinic grew out of this idea! I invite you all to come with me on this journey. It is my goal to educate you, make you feel more comfortable with your vehicle and be proactive about auto repair and maintenance.
If you want to go from auto airhead® to #sheCANic please join us!
Own your new identity
Check out our Girls Auto Clinic and shecanic merchandise!