Frozen Locks On The Car? Lube Your Locks!

Updated Jan 30th, 2023

We’ve got some cold winter weather coming through so I wanted to refresh this 7 years old blog on protecting your car against cold winter weather. Here are some common issues for cars in cold weather and how you deal with them.

  1. Warm my car up for winter

  2. My doors, locks, door handles, windows, and wipers are frozen and won’t move. How do I de-ice them?

How to

First let's talk about how this happens.  If you do not have automatic locks, or you have broken automatic locks, you need to unlock and lock your vehicle manually with the key.  In the winter time, dew and water get inside the locks and freeze up as the temperature drops over night.  This makes it difficult to insert your key inside the door lock.

Here's what you do:

  1. Grab some graphite grease from any home improvement store.

  2. Lather up your car key.

  3. Place the greased-up key inside the lock before it gets too cold.  This lubes up the door lock nice and good.

Aaaaaaaand that's the trick!  Lubing the door locks will prevent moisture from freezing inside and make unlocking and locking your doors a smooth cinch in the winter.This also works for your ignition. Happy Holiday's friends :-) 


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