Maintenance and Repair Costs Are Rising, Here’s How You Can Stay Ahead


Hey Shecanics, friends, and family! We’ve all felt the sting of that dreaded “i” word…inflation. It’s not just groceries that are hitting our wallets harder—everything from medicine to housing, and especially transportation, is more expensive these days.

Thinking about going organic with your produce? Maybe next month. Dreaming of buying a house? Might want to start considering a roommate. Eyeing that shiny new car? Hold off a bit longer—you really don’t need that self-parking feature anyway!

Inflation has us all adjusting our habits, like holding on to our cars longer to avoid the steep prices of new ones. But keeping that old car running can start to add up. Have you noticed how maintenance and repair costs have jumped nearly 20% in just the last two years? Gone are the days of the $50 oil change—now, it’s more like $100.

Why is this happening? Let’s talk numbers.

Repair costs are climbing faster than the overall rate of inflation. From November 2013 to November 2023, motor vehicle maintenance and repair costs increased by 4.1% per year, compared to just 2.8% for the overall consumer price index.

There’s a serious labor shortage in trades like automotive technology. Skilled auto techs are in short supply, and everyone—from dealerships to mom-and-pop shops—is feeling the crunch. This shortage is pushing up the cost of getting your car fixed.

Here in Pennsylvania, the average labor rate for repairs has climbed to $130 per hour (at Girls Auto Clinic, we’re holding it down at $125.99). Just a few years ago, in 2020, it was only $100 per hour.

And it’s not just labor that’s gotten pricier—auto parts have too. Thanks to COVID-related supply shortages, parts prices spiked in 2022 and haven’t really come back down. For instance, parts from automakers went up by 10% in 2022, while aftermarket parts jumped by 17%. That’s a huge leap from the usual 0% to 4% annual increase we’ve been used to..

With everything that’s going on, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I know I need some relief—how about you?

That’s why I created our Very Important Driver (VID) Membership at Girls Auto Clinic. It’s designed to help you keep up with your car’s maintenance without breaking the bank. As a VID member, you get unlimited maintenance services for one low price—no surprises, no upsells! You’ll save money, enjoy a top-notch experience at our award-winning repair center, and make smart choices for your car that’ll pay off in the long run. It’s a win-win-win in today’s tough market!

In 2022 AAA calculated a vehicle owner should expect to pay $1,200 per year on their vehicle maintenance and repairs if they drive 12,000 miles with their car. This yearly number only increases as the vehicle ages. Our VID memberships start at $720 per year!

We’ve already had 120 customers join our VID Membership, and they’re saving an average of $200 a year on maintenance services.

So, if you’ve noticed repair costs creeping up, know you’re not alone—and that there are steps you can take to stay ahead. Now’s the perfect time to think about preventative maintenance and our VID Membership program. Get more details and sign up today!


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